7 Tips For Marketing Your Los Altos Home Online

7 Tips For Marketing Your Los Altos Home Online

  • Oldham Group
  • 06/17/22

Marketing is important! There’s no point in listing your home among other Los Altos or Palo Alto homes for sale if no one is going to see it. Read more on The Oldham Group's tried-and-true tips to marketing a home that reaches the most qualified buyers to sell for the highest price.

Utilize social media

A recent study showed that nearly 4 billion people use social media worldwide, which is a 4.8% increase from last year. So, if you want your home to stand out from other Los Altos homes for sale, make social media part of your marketing strategy.
Sharing the listing for your home on social media isn’t the only way to get the word out. Post on local groups specializing in the area and be responsive when someone asks questions. You can even target keywords on social media to advertise your listing to someone looking at Los Altos homes for sale. These small steps will go a long way toward getting more eyes on your listing.

Good pictures make a difference

Put that cell phone away! If you list your home online, high-quality pictures of the house and area make a big difference. Much of the selling process has moved online, and more people than ever are looking at online listings before even considering viewing actual Los Altos homes in person.
To get the best quality pictures, never rush the photo shoot. Take your time, frame your shots properly to get the most in the room, and time it well during the day to get the best lighting. Pay attention to the little details in a room, like a wrinkled bed sheet, and spend time in each room to stage the furniture properly if you’re working without a professional home staging company.
When it comes to editing, edit fairly but smartly. You should never alter the actual room, but make sure the lighting and clarity make your listing stack up against other Los Altos homes for sale.

3D tours sell homes

If you’re putting your home for sale, opt for a 3D or video tour of the home. It can feel like a lot of extra work s to have someone come in, set up, and video everything, but it’s almost essential nowadays.
Much of what we do as a society has gone virtual, and buying homes is no different; after all, the initial search typically happens online. Some studies suggest homes with 3D tours sell up to nine times faster than their regular picture counterparts.
Make sure your video is of excellent quality and reflective of the property. Looking for further assistance on how to create a 3D tour of your Los Altos home? Reach out to The Oldham Group for expert marketing advice.

The way your listing is written is important

When it comes to a written listing, “4br 3ba crn lot w/ views” is far less appealing than “This beautiful four bedroom, three bathroom luxury home on a large corner lot with breathtaking views will rival any of the Los Altos homes in the neighborhood,” isn’t it? The way your listing is written makes a huge difference when it comes to capturing buyers' attention. Your listing should be descriptive yet concise to grab attention and ignite interest. Use adjectives and full sentences to fully convey the luxurious qualities of your home.

List below market value

This is risky, but we’re in a seller’s market, so this is a gamble that has paid off for many recently sold Los Altos homes. By listing your home at slightly under market value, you will get far more eyes on the listing. This is especially helpful when you want to drum up a bidding war to get top dollar.
The vital thing to note here is that it should be slightly under, not drastically under! You will potentially get far more interest by casting a wider net of buyers.

Skip an open house

This advice might sound strange to some old-school sellers, but you will not get the most out of any home for sale by hosting an open house. Open houses have been going out of style for a long time (and were difficult, if not practically unfeasible, to host during the height of the pandemic) and for luxury Los Altos homes, they aren’t worth the investment and hassle.
Buyers who want to look at luxury or high-end properties will not wander through an open house. Instead, they will make an appointment to view the home when it fits their schedule.

Work with a qualified agent

Selling your home is a full-time job, and marketing your home correctly online takes a lot of work and knowledge.
Need help selling your home, or want to work with a knowledgeable team that uses these tips—and more—to successfully market your home? Then reach out to The Oldham Group today. Their highly qualified agents have years of experience selling Los Altos and Palo Alto homes and understand how to market them to get top dollar. Contact The Oldham Group today so you can start marketing your home to the right buyers at the best price.

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